by Alex Leslie | May 8, 2017 | Furniture
A pair of early George III corner armchairs. The different woods incorporated, all common local varieties, probably indicates that they were made by a local craftsman, possibly the estate carpenter.
by Alex Leslie | May 8, 2017 | Portraits & Pictures
Unknown Scottish Artist. Oil on board, oval 30 x 24 ins. Pink doublet, silver buttons, black jerkin with gold buttons, gold sword hilt, blue-grey eyes, brown hair background shadowed. Legend corrected to 5th Earl. Cleaned etc Michael Leslie, 1994. Eldest son of...
by Alex Leslie | May 8, 2017 | Portraits & Pictures
By John Baptiste Medina and his studio. Oil on canvas 50 X 40 ins. Seated with her eldest son, John as a young boy, by her side. Blue dress, gold coloured drape. Both images inscribed ‘Lady Jean Hay 2nd daugther of John 2nd Marq. Tweeddale married John 8th Earl...
by Alex Leslie | May 8, 2017 | Portraits & Pictures
Probably by Gerald Soest Oil on canvas 50 x 40 ins. Inscribed incorrectly as sons of the 8th Earl. Two sons of John, 9th Earl and his wife Jean Hay (q.v.) On the right Charles, 2nd son see P30. On the left Thomas, 3rd son. Thomas was equerry to the Prince of Wales...
by Alex Leslie | May 8, 2017 | Portraits & Pictures
Unknown artist (circa 1650) Oil on canvas 28 x 24 ins. Portrait of Mrs Elizabeth Leslie, half length, wearing a grey dress with white underbodice and a pink indian shawl, set in a painted oval. Inscribed ‘LL Mrs Eliz Leslie, daughter of Sir John Leslie of...